Dr Shungu M'gadzah
Shungu has worked with a wide range of Local Authorities and Schools (e.g. Slough, Waltham Forest, Newham, Norfolk, Bromley, Surrey, Lincolnshire County Council and Camden), as well as Children’s Services and Health Services in the UK, Latvia, USA, Australia (Western Australia School Psychology Service and Education Department) and Finland.
Shungu was one of the pioneers in developing training for Local Authorities and other agencies (including educational psychologists, social workers and health professionals) in the area of emotional literacy and emotional intelligence to promote emotional well being and mental health and has worked as an education manager for an independent care provider for Looked After Children and Young People; working closely with social care managers and leading the education provision across the Company’s schools.
Shungu later joined Surrey County Council working first as an senior educational psychologist then senior educational psychologist and then as an and was Area Lead for Psychology & Assessment, leading and managing teams of educational psychologists, special educational needs and portage.
Shungu has extensive experience in selection, recruitment and change management and has worked as a an Special Educational Needs and Disability expert supporting Local School Improvement teams and Higher Education Accreditation of MSc and Doctorate level Courses. More recently she has worked for the London Borough of Bexley as Principal Educational Psychologist/ Strategic Manager for Early Intervention & Specialist Teachers.
Shungu is a long standing member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and has held senior office in the profession of educational psychology.
Shungu has Board level experience both within the British Psychological Society and the Division of Educational and Child Psychologists (DECP), and the International School Psychology Association (ISPA). She was the first black Chair of the Division of Educational and Child Psychologists (DECP) Committee and was also previously Chair of the Association of Black Psychologists and has been co- opted onto several Boards to foster greater inclusivity.. She also served on the British Psychological (BPS) Press Committee ISPA Leadership Committee.
Shungu is Director & Lead Consultant at Inclusion Psychologists Limited. The Company provides support and training for Charities and other organisations to become more inclusive. As a result, organisations are supported to explore the current challenges and barriers they face in being more inclusive and to find solutions to take that next step towards greater inclusivity.
Shungu completed her professional doctorate at the University of East London in 2011 on emotional intelligence ‘Exploring the experiences of recently qualified educational psychologists in the area of emotional intelligence and applications in practice: an interpretative phenomenological analysis.’ The full unpublished thesis is available at https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.550439
Shungu has recently published evidence in the Government’s Green Paper on Children and young people’s mental health. Evidence to Children and Young People's mental health- the role of education Health: Number 51 Dr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah (CMH0094)
"Understanding and Dealing with Everyday Racism: The Six Stages Framework" is a book authorised by Shungu which focuses on broad and specific issues of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) to support individuals and organisations in their fight against racism, with the aim of promoting a more equitable society, one that does not discriminate according to race, colour, appearance or other differences. Read the reviews here.
To follow Dr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah click this link

Dr Shungu M’gadzah is committed to working with families and organisations to foster greater inclusive practice and community engagement. She is the Director and Lead Psychologist offering mentoring, coaching, supervision and training to professionals, organisations and individuals.
Shungu qualified and worked as as a primary teacher at Goldsmiths College in 1987 before training at the Tavistock Clinic in 1990 to become an educational psychologist.
Shungu's career as an educational psychologist began in the London Borough of Hackney before moving onto the London Borough of Waltham Forest. She has worked with a wide range of schools within the private and public sector across all phases including local special schools for children with social emotional and mental health needs as well as private residential special schools nationwide.
Shungu was seconded to the role of academic and professional tutor/senior educational psychologist at the University of East London teaching MSc in Educational Psychology trainees and undergraduate psychology students, and during that time she conducted research projects and set up a consultancy providing training to Local Authorities, Schools and other organisations. She acted as a national and international consultant and trainer in the areas of emotional intelligence and promoting greater equality and diversity.
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