Do you have a Vision of A More Inclusive Future? What is your vision of the more inclusive future?
If so, share it with us in no more than 140 words. We are looking for action based, inspirational visions which can be operationalised in the workplace, school and communities. [More missions rather than visions!]
Email your vision to
🎉 Our Diversity Equity & Inclusion Roundtable will select the top two who will receive a copy of my signed book.
M’gadzah, S.H. (2022). Understanding and Dealing with Racism- The Six Stages framework. Swan & Horn,aps,149&sr=8-1
Join us on December 4th for this trailblazing FREE event.
A collage of all contributions will be made and displayed on the day on a Global Visions of the Future board.
Booking link:
Please note the change of address from the main flyer to: The Conduit, 6 Langley Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JA
My vision of more inclusive future is where, no children have to suffer due to the actions of mankind and barriers to learning and outcomes are removed.
Join in and share your vision!
#research #inclusion #universities #highereducation #diversityandinclusion #research #inclusionpsychologists #sixstagesframework #chapter #experience #share #diversitymatters
#prejudiceracismspectrum #antiracism #antiracist #diversityequityandinclusion #diversityandinclusion #neurodiversity #autismspectrumdisorder #psychology #research #highereducation #higheredleadership #sixstageconceptualframework #sixstagesframework #racialjustice
#checkmybiases #unconsciousbias #identities #nhs #professionaldevelopment #professionallearning #professionalgrowth #professionals #professional #racism #diversity #mentalhealth #diversityandinclusion #Gaza #palestine #israel
